Fighter - Heavyweight
Kargo is a Triangulum Galaxy War veteran soldier and part of the Special Forces decorated with an Intergalactic Medal of Honor. He is a war hero. He is known as “Big Fruit” in his hometown of Fumoto where he grew up studying to be a pastry chef specializing in fruit-themed baked goods. He is the survivor of hundreds of incursions behind enemy lines. Kargo is beloved for his unwavering loyalty to his squadron, fierce determination to win at all costs, and killer instincts. He has a pet labradoodle he loves named “Melon”.

Fighter - Featherweight
A fallen archangel, Macknz has been trying to get back to her heavenly home for millenia. Macknz is trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, holds a black belt, and is considered a supreme master champion. She considers herself a complete failure because she has been unable to claim a championship in the virtual Jiu-Jitsu game, Decagon — avatar name is “Z”. She is an avid collector of rare guns as well as Sailor Moon paraphernalia.

Fighter - Middleweight
Rocco is a gritty, underground street fighter who fights only for money. He is aggressive with a short temper which allows him to win frequently, but deep inside, Rocco hates fighting and actually has a major blood phobia. He has also been seeing a therapist for his anger issues. When he is not fighting or in therapy, Rocco spends his hard-earned cash on his favorite delicacies, fried chicken and bubble tea.

Fighter - Lightweight
Santis is a humanoid reptilian man. He is an excellent sharpshooter and highly sought after hacker. Santis suffers from multiple personality disorder. This is due to his reptilian ancestry where severed limbs regrow to form another version of him. He is mentally connected to every version of himself, hearing their thoughts and voices at every waking hour. He can silence them by singing Korean pop music and dance-fighting.

Fighter - Lightheavy Weight
Standing at 3’5” (104 cm), Pietro is a very small mini-dwarf who can knock out opponents 10 times his size with a magical, golden hammer made by the gods. He is heavily inspired by medieval times of earth and spends any and all free time LARPing with anyone too scared to say no to him.

Fighter - Heavyweight
Originally a Yakuza bodyguard, Katsuro quickly climbed the ranks to Oyabun (head honcho). He is a weapons phenom and is notorious for his mastery of hand-to-hand combat during his stint with the Japanese elite special forces. Katsuro is very much into positivity and decorates his home with quotes like “Live, Laugh, Love”, “Hello, Gorgeous”, and “All we have is now”.

Fighter - Welterweight
Xymox is a half-bird, half-human hybrid. He can fly at lethal speeds, but he is unable to slow down on his own, resulting in catastrophic landings each time. His feathers’ shaft is made of sharp metal, which is fantastic as a weapon and armor but also causes many issues when going through airport security. Xymox is a checkers (not chess) enthusiast and has won second place in 4 tournaments in 3 galaxies.

After competing in the intergalactic Olympics and winning gold in wrestling dozens of times, Vera entered the ring at Fightland where they have paved the way for small females, LGBTQ, interstellar species, and other marginalized communities. They are a vicious, ruthless adversary who was trained by their father Nicolay since early childhood. Vera is also a seasoned real estate agent but often comes on too strong and too scary. They have no sales to date.

Don Blanco is a promoter known for historic matchups throughout intergalactic and interspecies fight clubs. He is a controversial figure, due to multiple grand theft auto convictions against him. Blanco suffers from narcolepsy but does not know it, and he is often paranoid that his enemies have either sucker punched or drugged him. Neither of those things has ever happened.

Shigematsu is an arrogant beast that has been outcast by his kaiju brethren due to his insatiable appetite for power. He has no technique and relies solely on brute force and intimidation. He is also a successful YouTube influencer who teaches his followers how to draw three-point perspective and rakes in over $10MM annually.

Nicolay is a former fighter who spent his entire life training and mentoring other top-tier fighters. He was considered one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the universe. Nicolay is a well respected coach, naturally booksmart, and extremely well-spoken. After retirement, Nicolay roamed the earth and ended up befriending a pack of grizzly bears. He is a major wildlife advocate (only online) and spends most of his day starting up Gofundme and Kickstarter campaigns to help the animals. Tear.

Viola is a descendant of the genius family who made interplanetary travel the norm. Her contribution to the universe includes utilizing meteors as taxicabs and the establishment of fueling stations on the moons of Gas Giants. During a recent trip to Virgo A where she ate an off-brand breakfast cereal, Viola developed an inconvenient mutation causing her eyes to shoot laser beams. After accidentally destroying expensive research equipment dozens of times, Viola was forced to resign as a scientist and engineer and entered the fight scene as a promoter with hopes of being around the tough. She has lasered many fighters unintentionally, but they pretend it doesn't hurt. Viola appreciates this, and to show her gratitude, she has committed her brilliance to masterminding the greatest fights in whichever galaxy she finds herself in.